Publicação feita no NYTIMES mauricio jose da silva < > seg, 26 de nov de 2018 12:09 para dep.jairbolsonaro Lhe encaminho comentário feito por mim de certa maneira demostrando confiança na democrácia e seu governo. Your comment has been approved! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with The New York Times community. mauriciopartyguy | ma/sp Well I will say nively about the last 10 years was from de point o view of people expectation inicialy some transfomation because the left wing wow the election and the world even if the crises for brazil have been nice moment.But the promise never fullfield the poor was better for little while but only the economic side, the rates for education, employment and other keppt lower. The Inletarcy is huge and the funcional literacy is higher. People could many things but was not i personal growth only...