Police / Policia
PUBLIC DECLARATION TO WHOM IT MAY BE INTERESTED AND FOR THE APPROPRIATE PURPOSES. Me, Mauricio José da Silva, Brazilian, Single, Social Worker and Elderly Caregiver, already qualified in this Occurrence bulletin. I inform anyone who may be interested that I made statements in response to the Paracer of the MP in relation to the process of removing the inventory that is taking place in the Ninth Court of the Family of São Paulo. In the person of the MP to make all interested parties Aware that, as the MP states, I was not the recipient of a subpoena and/or Judicial Notice to give testimony and/or clarification to this TJSP public body in the capital. To create an effect according to the law. I also communicated and questioned Ms. Beatriz Branco and Marcela Correa if they have any news and or are in possession since they are acting in the case. São Paulo, July 25, 2021, exactly 02 days before I was 59 years olda. BO - 1331315/2021 bulletindeocorrencia@policiacivil.sp.gov.br Att...