The Woman in Maria

    By Mauriciopartyguy (Mauricio J. da Silva)

How sweet and to see all these Marias ...,
In your profession of faith.No day to day. Clothes, Cookware, Beans Emotion and Love.
At the fair, bakery, pharmacy and hospital children running in the Garden. Noise to all sides like manufactures without end.
And as soon as these Marys carry out the ordinary Marian phenomena `Knew in Me according to thy word, behold the handmaid of the Lord`
Let us say that Mary, the mother of `God ', lives and perpetuates her gesture of humility every day as she promised and prophesied that all generations would call her' Blessed, for her act of unconditional surrender to God was not only incarnating the Word but , also to care for him and for him in this sense the woman Mary, mother and companion expressed the highest conviction of faith in every gesture and attitude that 'She kept in her Heart! For the fecundation of the verb has not freed her from the tasks that as Mae and Woman brings the weight of the care of the house, of life, and everything that is pertinent to the maternal vocation `son where you were I and your Father were worried '.
And there Mary shows her infinite greatness as a mother to the woman, because her son `JESUS` was of a divine condition and yet her maternal love took her to the last consequences where Jesus himself shows the deep filial love.
`Woman there is your son, son there is your MAE`.
And this same love that transported the Marias that in the day to day live this condition of serva Woman, Mae and Santa. For those who can see more than the clean house, the laundry washed the dinner ready but rather find `Mary` mediatrix of divine love within the ordinary and in the humility of` Behold the handmaid of the Lord`.
   Mauriciopartyguy free thinker around 30years.
Google Translation.


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