"John Lennon and Piracema IMAGINE"

"John Lennon and Prostitutes" IMAGINE
This text was already published in several places, but now with a new where of discrimination of prostitution in New York City, I decided to publish it again to give my support because this is a theme that nobody wants to touch, but, and to sum it up Social importance and in which I have worked since the association Piracema in the early 90s producing together with a group of friends who were formed in Puc / Psychology with the largest and perhaps the only field research with this group as violated in their minimum rights as Cidadas and Women.

I should mention here Dr. Leandro Feitosa, Mauricio Moreira, Paula, Luciana, Linneu among others in their initial phase and Eu, mauricio josé da Silva (@mauriciopoartyguy) who after living and working in the United States, as Aux. of nursing and blood collector I returned to Brazil and I also graduated in Puc / SP in Social Work this work and fruit of my encounter with one of these protagonists Social Monique and it was of individual conscience to which I am grateful for everything that did for me. The work took place along the lines below and was a highlight of my life as a person and a Citizen.

July 15, 2018

John Lennon and the ProstitutesIMAGINE
In the nineties here in São Paulo, but specifically in the neighborhood of Liberdade I was invited by a friend Monique to work with prostitutes under the aspect of social inclusion and also the idea of ​​social equality for these women who has no access to anything. Work from the point of view of citizenship that respected her role as a woman within society and whether or not she was aware of it. I have to remind everyone that they are important social issue because, under the filter of judgment not only by other so-called "normal" women, the marginalized women are due to low wages, abandonment of the husband, personal choice for a social ascent within society global and capitalist or even from the street and drug situation. We did not care about her personal or professional history, but we wanted and would like to give this woman options for different paths and paths from her own condition and still possibility and fragility within this same patriarchal, sexist and socially full society of preconceptions and modesty. My work consisted of holding a reflection meeting, group discussion, group dynamics and English classes. I will get a material with an English / USP teacher. And from there he performed the above work with the group. This being a work done by an NGO that was funded by the state government, after 03 months came to an end because the technicians informed me that 1 prostitute did not need English classes, 2 my curriculum was not enough since it was neither skill in English or had an equivalent degree and pedagogically was not a priority of the government at the time, there were, as there are always social issues more urgent and deserving of that amount. Then the work came to an end, but during English learning that was useful because some liked to understand another language and we still knew that it could be important to those who had contact with foreigners. (Our Thinking), as well as producing moments of citizenship, relaxation and self-reflection. Good English lessons yielded some content and one of the most asked questions was for these women what the translation and meaning of Imagine (John Lennon) was. So as preparation for the closure of that moment that to have today I have present in my heart we follow the following steps first we read, as we discuss each paragraph and possibility and interpretation and its world view. Thirdly we decorated and as I had sung for a while in the Coral Marthin Luther King, I began to do rehearsals for a presentation I also did for the women a free live translation. And so when the final day of the Monique group reunited the other people of the NGOs and we did a Coral presentation. And in the end we fraternize and keep in our hearts. This moment of learning and citizenship. This was never revealed to anyone but the people who were there to protect the dignity of this woman. So this is the story when John Lennon taught us to dream of a new world without barriers, prejudices that only citizenship and the person seen under human dignity and in their role of possibility in this society which is of all and without frontiers are only in the corporate milestones, but should not be in our HEART. Dedicated to Monique for her unceasing work to transform the world.
Mauricio Jose da Silva (mauriciopartyguy) Social Worker


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