`Caridade / Charity`

December 01, 2019
By @mauriciopartyguy `CHARITY`

I met Gilmar at work suffering man, crazy for the time simple person who had lived in the street for more than 10 years. Santista fanatical heart worked at night as soon as I left our contact was minimal in the sense of time never spoke much about himself or what happened and I never asked, because I saw the sin of a part of life on the streets.

The people he cared for had a sense of respect for him and a certain fear, for there was no jest in his speech that it was to keep the house and everything in place and to carry out the orders partly from me and even from the direction.

I spent the night awake and even a few hours watching television and answering the door donating blankets and sometimes also spontaneous donations from people around us who knew our work.

They were at last a normal and ordinary life, except sometimes when Santos played that delayed or very rarely lacked a sense of responsibility only under the influence of this strong emotion and which changed.

She liked her speech when she arrived Mauricio forte with strength and respect and always the question how is everything here around 95% normal only the routine of the people who lived there and their particularities.

So what caught or was wrong for me was the way he was presented at parties or when there were guests or authorities.

Well this and Gilmar lived on the street for over ten years and we can rescue them now he has a job and a worthy person an excellent worked tell there how was your life until your arrival here .... Always.

This has always bothered me, but I have to acknowledge I did not transform this reality should have done, because I felt that every time he counted he experienced the trauma of the street and all the pain of his Condition and now that he regained his high esteem always remembered the he to strengthen the Example of Saved for Donations, except to demonstrate the relevance of work and House so to this day I was a coward never put out his pain in me.

In other words, for me and the price of charity that is paid back always to the same point I see this also in the sunday programs that relive the pain of the poor, worker who tells and retells his story that has its relevance and importance in the television context. not only for the general public, but for sponsors and advertisers. O be a certain commodification of suffering and human life `Not worth how much it weighs or is per kilogram` national cinema 80s.
I know that I will pay perhaps a high price later for my words and also the revolt of some. But for me this is a truth that I hope people pay attention to and do what I didn't do it. @ Mauriciopartyguy

In memory and tribute to the RUAS Residents killed in Baruerí by a composition of Alcohol and Cocaine or that Human Unhappiness and Fatality has caused and or is the Human Heart that is increasingly corrupted by hatred and prejudice.


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