Kafka (Process)
Still in the scope of the progress since yesterday I made known the Moncao de Desagravo in defense of Mrs. my mother, in the face of what I consider an offense to the Woman next to my father who builds a simple but worthy heritage It is true that I and my brothers in Education were 02 (two) graduated from the University and still bearing in mind that this woman paid for a Lawyer made a donation in Life for me and my Brother, which was never attended to and I work with dignity and minimally paid . And considering that I did not obtain a hearing from the Judiciary of Interdiction and even more so that documents forwarded by me were seen to be the same filed and still with a view to the prosecution's opinion at the time that warned that if there were more brothers there should be consent and science of them.Considering that there was in the defense a duplication of procedural number, that is, I was given an inventory process number when I contested being equal and even that of my Sister / Indertidicao and made it known in the legal spaces that I participated and sent emails with documents in at least three defenders making it known that it was really `litigio` because the limits even for the Family and that this has to be lived and understood. As can be seen below.Process 0007863-03.2020.8.26.0100 (main process 0093427-77.2002.8.26.0100) - Removal of Inventory - Inventory and Sharing - Mauricio José da Silva - Edilene Maria da Silva - Visas. Before determining the personal summons of the inventor, certify the usefulness of the stage in which the main documents are located and for the appreciation of the request for the benefits of free justice, attach the applicant copies of the last three income tax returns. Term of fifteen days, under penalty of refusal. Int. - ADV: MARCELA LUIZ CORRÊA DA SILVA (OAB 382825 / SP), MARILIA APARECIDA DA SILVA (OAB 38682 / SP), BEATRIZ HERNANDES BRANCO (OAB 377972 / SP)Process 1089704-37.2019.8.26.0100 - Action to Demand Accounts - Inventory and Sharing - Mauricio Jose da Silva - Edilene Maria da Silva - (x) manifesting, in 15 days, about the challenge (article 350 or 351 of the CPC ). - ADV: JUSSARA DA COSTA CAMPOS (OAB 293275 / SP), BEATRIZ HERNANDES BRANCO (OAB 377972 / SP).It was not Intent to create this Scenario nor against my family and or the Brazilian Judiciary or lawyers or other actors involved, but, there was no other way and means than to expose iston on the Agenda.Sincerely,Mauricio Jose da Silva - Assustebte Sicuak and Senior Caregiver USA / MA
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