Ao Governador

Manifestation / Audience mauriciopartyguy Wed, Feb 10 16:39 (2 days ago) for gabjcardoso EXCELLENT MISSION DOCTOR JUDGE OF LAW OF THE NINE COURT OF FAMILY AND SUCCESSIONS OF THE CAPITAL. AUTHOR: Mauricio José da Silva DEFENDANT: Edilene Maria da Silva (Inventor) AUTOS Nº: 0093427-772002.8.26.0100 / 1089704-37.2019.8.26.0100 incident and accountability. Me, Mauricio José da Silva, Brazilian, single, social worker, resident and domiciled at Rua José Guilherme da Silva, 222 maria alice park - SP / capital.J qualified in the case file of the above title, comes very respectfully, before Your Excellency, with a view to the order made on 02/01/2021 with publication in the DJE, expressing your consent for the CLAIMING AUDIENCE TO BE MARKED FACTS. In the rest, referring to the assignment of evidence, it comes through this to inform that, all the pertinent evidence to the case is already attached to the case file, such as the attachments and petitions made by my lawyers already qualified in the case file. There is still information on the request for a statement that I now make in my favor as a postulant for the Removal of Inventor Ms. Edilene Maria da Silva. Follow the facts below. In a document of 26/08/2019 of the MPSP in the person of the prosecutor Ms. Claudia Moreira França, who stands out in favor beyond the 15 years of inertia due to the fact that Paulo Severino da Silva and Rejane his wife who are daughters of the inventor being in Alvara with heirs who are not. I also bring the memory of the various mandates that were forwarded by Ms. Larissa Guimarães Moutinho delivered by the bailiff Mr. Lourival Nascimento Chagas dated 11/30/2019 - no. 100.2019 / 082425-4 and others. I also remember the request for rendering of accounts of Mrs. Juiza of the PÚBLICA Fazenda Manoela Nassaf. And even though Ms. Cléa Pires, Public Accounting did not accept the provision made by Ms. Edilene Maria da Silva in response to her request. Therefore, in view of all these inconsistencies, it requested, once again, its Removal and explanatory hearing and presentation of the facts stated above. São Paulo, 02/10/2021 Mauricio José da Silva - Social Worker Represented by Beatriz Hernandes Blanco and Marcela Correa Silva


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