Decision - TJSP
Decision - TJSP October 21, 2021 Court 9th Family and Probate Court Judge José Walter Chacon Cardoso 10/19/2021 Decision on Visas. The request filed by Mauricio José da Silva against Edilene is taken care of for her to be removed from the role of inventor of the assets left behind by the death of José Batista da Silva, as she does not attribute regular progress to the case. Reply to sheets 25/29. The Public Prosecutor's Office, given that the widow-sharer was banned, manifested itself in the act for the removal of the executor, with the appointment of the dative inventor. It's the report. I plead and decide. It is evident that in an incident of removal of the administrator, there is no question of investigating the mental capacity of the parties, nor of counterclaims. So I only appreciate the defense. As previously stated, the process is not going smoothly, so much so that it has been archived for a long period. The justification presented by the administrator for the negligenc...