Law No. 14.187 - Procon Racial

LAW No. 14.187 OF JULY 19, 2010 Provides for administrative penalties to be applied for the practice of acts of racial discrimination. Social Worker Mauricio 59, also known on social media as @Mauriciopartyguy, published on his blog and other social media under the new Law no. 14.187 which creates and institutes the Procon Racial in which it will give an account of seeking to give vent to and seek justice for those who suffer from Racism and/or racial crimes to bring to the light of society this disastrous face of structural racism that damages so much human and social relations within of our society that still works with an Archaic and Slavery model of social and racial prejudice." We have to put a stop to this model of modern slavery in which everything is solved by the Legal/Police model and by putting into practice Racial Tolerance, Homophobia, religious and that annihilates our time." mauricio josé da silva - social worker "Congratulations to Procon Racial. Although from the point of view of Social and Human Evolution it is a setback both from the point of view of Education, dignity, law and evolution of the social conscience that we are all equal not only before the law, but also above all because We are Born Equal regardless of any other Variant "@mauriciopartyguy Mauricio Jose da Silva, Administrator Mauricio Jose da Silva " LIFE IS IMPORTANT / LIFE MATTERS! Social Worker graduated from PUC/SP, Caregiver for the Elderly and Blood Drawer. Founder of organization in park maria alice/sp). I work with homeless people, children and adolescents, Elderly and Prostitutes in the city of São Paulo and Elderly people in the United States. Known as Mauriciopartyguy.


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