Decision after 21 of process (DJE0

Decision after 21 of process (DJE) Process 1089704 (attached to process 0007 .2020.8.26.) - Action to Require Accounts - Inventory and Sharing - Mauricio Jose da Silva - Silva - Visas. This is an action to demand accounts, in the second phase, as observed in the decision on page 280, proposed by MAURÍCIO JOSÉ DA SILVA against his sister SILVA, regarding his performance in inventory 0093 - 2002 regarding the sale of the property object of the CRI 4th Office of the Comarca MS. As the Public Prosecutor's Office correctly observed, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant proceeded adequately with the case after that decision (pages 317). On this occasion, an attempt was made at conciliation in a hearing, which was unsuccessful, in which the death of DA SILVA, widow of the author of the inheritance, was informed. For this reason, the role of the Public Prosecutor's Office is terminated. It's the report. Reason and decide. Strictly speaking, the second phase of the process began, but none of the interested parties brought any request or statement of accounts capable of justifying the judgment on the merits. In this line, so that the process does not become useless due to the lack of interest in acting, it is certain that the executor sold the property in the name of the estate and did not present in the records the respective proof of judicial deposit of the price or even of transfer of the shares to their respective heirs. Therefore, it is necessary that the diversion of the funds be noted to its disadvantage, by way of collation. In view of the foregoing, I JUDGE the action to order the defendant to include in the inventory records the amount it received from the sale of the property described above. If this is not informed, the collation will be carried out with the valuation of the asset at the current market value. I also sentence the defendant to pay court costs and attorney fees, which are set at 10% of the amount attributed to the case, with monetary correction from the filing to the actual disbursement. Attach a copy of this sentence to the probate process. P.I.C. - ADV: LORRAINE


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