
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2020

Kafka (Process)

Still in the scope of the progress since yesterday I made known the Moncao de Desagravo in defense of Mrs. my mother, in the face of what I consider an offense to the Woman next to my father who builds a simple but worthy heritage It is true that I and my brothers in Education were 02 (two) graduated from the University and still bearing in mind that this woman paid for a Lawyer made a donation in Life for me and my Brother, which was never attended to and I work with dignity and minimally paid . And considering that I did not obtain a hearing from the Judiciary of Interdiction and even more so that documents forwarded by me were seen to be the same filed and still with a view to the prosecution's opinion at the time that warned that if there were more brothers there should be consent and science of them.Considering that there was in the defense a duplication of procedural number, that is, I was given an inventory process number when I contested being equal and even that of my Sist...


Ainda no escopo do andamento ja que no dia de ontem fiz conhecer a Moncao de Desagravo em defesa da Sra. minha mae, 83em face daquilo que considero uma ofensa para a Mulher ao lado do meu pai que construe um patrimonio simples, mas, digno de verdade que revesti a minha e meus irmaos de Educao sendo 02(dois) formados na Universidade e ainda tendo em vista que esta mulher pagou uma Advogada fez doacao em Vida para mim e meu Irmao ao que nunca foi atendida sendo e trabalho dignamente e minimamente pagos. E tendo em vista que nao obtive junto a Juiza da Interdicao uma oitiva e ainda mais que documentos por mim encaminhados fossem visto sendo os mesmo protocolado e ainda tendo em vista parecer da promotoria na epoca que alertava para em havendo mais irmaos deveria ter Anuencia e ciencia dos mesmo. Considerando que houve na defensoria uma duplicidade de numero processual ou seja que foi me dado numero de processo de inventario quanto contestei sendo igual e mesmo que de minha Irma / Inderti...

Moncao de Desagravo

Mauricio Jose da Silva 5 min · Mauricio Jose da Silva Right now · 'Moncao de Desagravo I come through this in the name of my Mae, simple and illiterate woman recognize this fatol, but not to the treatment that I think is being dismissed to Her by his and even more those who should legally protect her. For she even in its simplicity together with my father built a Patrimonio of 10 minimas rental houses and 2 better and still put 02 children in the University without contacting all haste and zeal for the Family, Friends and all that They helped not only physically but also materially and financially. I thank everyone Mauricio Jose da SilvA, Social Worker / PUC /SP and also PCA I and Plebotomy Technichan USA/MA. or @mauriciopartyguy. Mauricio Jose da Silva 5 min · Mauricio Jose da Silva Agora mesmo · Monção de Desagravo Eu passo por isso em nome de minha Mae, a mulher simples e analfabeta reconhece esse fatol, mas não o tratamento qu...

Nem todos sao FIlhos do Presidente(

Nem Todos Sao Filhos do Presidente(fazer (haver) Direito Atech.comNonprofit criou este abaixo-assinado para pressionar Venho a presenca de todos solicitar peticao para que seja promulgado no Revogacao de Inventariante Apos o falecimento em 1.999 e apos 3 anos foi dado entrada no Forum Central Civil Joao Mendes o processo de Inventorio iniciado a exatamente 21 anos atras no dia 20/05/2002. Por Volta de 2012 minha mae fez doacao de terreno dividindo para mim e meu Irmao que se encontra fora do Pais a 30 anos. Ai comecaram minha problematica quando questionei pelo inventario descobri que estava arquivado desde 2013 desarquivei isto foi ja em 2017 quanto minha Irma, coloocou Interdicao ao qual protestei conforme protocolo fiesta 002.fsta.17.00083014-8 e em 08/05/2017 na defensoria Alexandrus Dumas  conforme documento daquela defensoria/OAB, mas, nao consegui fazer que minha Advogada desse andamento entao protocolei conforme no. acima, ...

Chang Org Petition @mauriciopartyguy

Not All Are The President's Children (make (there) Law Atech.comNonprofit created this petition to press I come to the presence of all request peticao for it to be enacted in the Inventory Repeal After death in 1999 and after 3 years was given entry in the Central Civil Forum Joao Mendes the process of Inventorio started exactly 21 years ago on 20/05/2002. Around 2012 my mother did land donation dividing for me and my Brother who is outside the country for 30 years. Then they started my problematicwhen I questioned by the inventory I found that it was filed since 2013 dearched this was already in 2017 as my Irma, coloocou Interdicao to which I protested according to fiesta protocol 002.fsta.17.00083014-8 and on 08/05/2017 in the defense Alexandrus Dumas according to document of that defense / OAB, but, I could not make my Lawyer of this progress then filed according to no. above, also forwards emails to cartori 10 digital Sto.Amaro, CNJ / STF and Dr. Serigo Moro as published in my...


I was already there for at least 03 months. I loved the place, washing clothes, cooking, teaching and playing. Yes, there was the fear of snakes, spiders and bats.The surrounding nature was divine and everything was very peaceful in the company of other Volunteers and the founders of that Paraiso of Education, Citizenship and the desire to build a better world and a more just and fraternal Society.It happened that way one day a beautiful introverted child arrived in his features of slow steps to speak softly and sometimes angelic did not play much, but he was always and sometimes with himself. So I sometimes interacted and was with other girls and smiled when I told stories that children always asked me for at night after dinner. I created from my head and imagination and still played the characters I had just created.My job was to wash everyone's clothes, cook and help general to teach classes when necessary and still play a lot with the small residents and occupants of that Parai...


J a me encontrava la ao menos 03 meses.Adorava o lugar o lavar a roupa, cozinhar, dar aulas e brincar sim havia o medo das Cobras, Aranhas e Morcegos. A natureza em volta era divina e tudo muito tranquilo a companhia de outros Voluntarios e dos fundadores daquele Paraiso de Educacao, Cidadania e desejo de construir um mundo melhor e uma Sociedade mais justa e fraterna. Aconteceu assim um dia chegou uma crianca introvertida bonita em suas feicoes de passos lentos falar manso e as vezes angelical nao brincava muito, mas, estava sempre e as vezes consigo. Assim as vezes se interava e estava com outras meninas e sorria quando Eu contava estorias que as criancas me pediam sempre a noite apos o jantar Criava de minha cabeca e imaginacao e ainda interpretava os personagens que eu mesmo acabara de Criar. Minha funcoes eram lavar a roupas de todos, cozinhar ajudar geral dar aula quando necessario e ainda brincar muito com os pequenos moradores e ocupantes daquele Paraiso me forma imp...

I Need to do Law

And I need to do (there) law May 17, 2020 Isonomy/Equality Principle Equality before the law is a premise for the affirmation of equality before the judge: from the norm in article 5, caput, of the Constitution, the principle of procedural equality arises. By Cleber Santos Guterres "Equality before the law is a premise for the affirmation of equality before the judge: from the norm in article 5, caput, of the Constitution, the principle of procedural equality arises. The parties and prosecutors must deserve equal treatment, so that they have the same opportunities to assert their reasons in court. ( PELLEGRINI, 2004, p.53, our griffin). Make and Have Law (@mauriciopartyguy) The discussion that embassa my thought part of my own and personal history that has already been exposed in text of my authorship such as the Magnum Coloquium (embargo declaracao) and the real Judiciary Parallelism in both I propose to warn the Brazilian Judiciary STF / STJ and all other inst...

E Preciso fazer(haver) Direito

Princípio da Isonomia/Igualdade A igualdade perante a lei é premissa para a afirmação da igualdade perante o juiz: da norma inscrita no art 5º, caput, da Constituição, brota o princípio da igualdade processual.   Por Cleber Santos Guterres “A igualdade perante a lei é premissa para a afirmação da igualdade perante o juiz: da norma inscrita no art 5º, caput, da Constituição, brota o princípio da igualdade processual. As partes e os procuradores devem merecer tratamento igualitário , para que tenham as mesmas oportunidades de fazer valer em juízo as suas razões. ( PELLEGRINI, 2004, p.53, grifo nosso).  Fazer e Haver Direito (@mauriciopartyguy) A discussao que embassa meu pensamento  parte da minha propria e pessoal historia que na qual ja foi exposta em texto de minha autoria tais como o Magnum Coloquium(embargo declaracao) e o Paralelismo Judiciario real em ambos prop...